Inspired by the assertion in the book "Outliers," that 10,000 hours are required to "master" a skill, I seek to become a "master" in writing. I plan on documenting my 10,000 hour journey of reading and writing.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Prunes and Rejection

I received my first rejection today.  Although I tried to prepare myself in advance, it was still a disappointment.  Unfortunately, the staples of drowning disappointment (wine and chocolate) were not to be found in my bare pantry.  I dug around, even removing the ever present can of beets from four Thanksgiving's ago to find a bag of prunes.  I imagined they looked a little like chocolate as I popped them in my mouth.  Honestly, the prunes were a sorry substitution. 

I have been toying with the notion of committing to freewriting for 20 minutes a day, using a different writing prompt each time.  However, this still seems like too difficult a goal. 

I added up my work for the last week.  A total of 15 hours seems impressive, but much of that was in audiobook listening.  I listened to The Hunger Games and could not stop.  It is so wonderful to become absorbed in a really great story!  I wish I could write a story in the same amount of time it takes to listen to one. 

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