Inspired by the assertion in the book "Outliers," that 10,000 hours are required to "master" a skill, I seek to become a "master" in writing. I plan on documenting my 10,000 hour journey of reading and writing.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Has it been a week already?

I am surprised it has been so long since I have posted.  I have been listening to audiobooks as usual.  I spent 3 hours at Tangled Roots Writing this week, and learned some amazing new writing prompts.  I am going to start a section on the blog for great writing prompts.  I came home totally inspired, but I fell asleep and had to get back to the old grind.  The inspiration wore off as the week wore on.

I also submitted a poem to another poetry contest.  Into the universe it comes! 

Add another 7 hours to the total

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