Inspired by the assertion in the book "Outliers," that 10,000 hours are required to "master" a skill, I seek to become a "master" in writing. I plan on documenting my 10,000 hour journey of reading and writing.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The show down between enthusiasm and life

It's already Friday.  It has been a long difficult week, as usual.  The enthusiasm for this new project did produce more involvement in the world of imagination that might otherwise have occurred this week.  On Wednesday I listened to an audiobook for 90 minutes in the car (Sue Grafton, D is For Deadbeat).  On Thursday, I managed to continue listening to the audiobook for 90 minutes.  I credit this to the delight I experience when listening to Sue Grafton.  She has created the most wonderful character in Kinsey Milhone.  I love that she uses the first person point of view.  I also feel her use of voice is brilliant.  Over and over I am pulled back into the story with a particularly delightful and original image. 

Last night I also read the short story Safari by Jennifer Egan.  I loved that story!  Her narrator spending time in the minds of different characters was inventive and exciting.  She mastered this without being confusing.  I found the distinct voice of each character to be true to the character.  I am enjoying reading The Best American Short Stories of 2010, edited by Richard Russo.  It is a delightful read.

As for my own writing, just this blog.  Hopefully more today!

Add an extra 4 hours to the total!

9,992 hours to go!

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