Inspired by the assertion in the book "Outliers," that 10,000 hours are required to "master" a skill, I seek to become a "master" in writing. I plan on documenting my 10,000 hour journey of reading and writing.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Journey Begins

This is my first blog.  I aspire to be a writer.  Inspired by Malcolm Gladwell in Outliers, I have decided to commit to 10,000 hours of writing.  I will use this blog to chronicle my journey.

To say that I am having a moment of inspiration is so cliche.  In fact, it feels like more of an eruption.  I floored it on the drive home, eagerly awaiting the moment when I could fit pen to paper.  I got home, tore off my clothes (I do my best work in my pajamas), microwaved my dinner (A. I hate cooking  B. One must not write on an empty stomach), then I flung my materials onto my bed.  A bed is really the perfect desk.  Notebook, journal, highlighter, pen, computer, writing magazines, book on writing, cover the duvet.  I admit the remote control is on the bed, but the TV is on mute. 

I started reading the book Imaginative Writing, by Janet Burroway.  I was focused on learning about voice when I flung the book aside (truly it was dramatic) and started writing this blog.  In fact, I am typing as fast as I can and pressing so hard on the keys it makes my fingers ache a little.  It feels so good to have a few moments of peace and quiet where I can just write. 

I have the most lovely image in my mind of my muse...It is a cave (I think in Norway) but the opening is in the ground.  A gaping hole in the earth from which a frozen waterfall descends underground.  I suit up in preparation to enter.  Long underwear, thick socks, waterproof pants, fleece jacket, gortex jacket, gloves, boots, hat, backpack, crampons, ice ax, headlamp, food, water.  I put on my climbing harness, fasten an anchor, and tie in to the rope.  I self belay for all the climbers out there. 

I climb down the waterfall and into the cave.  I eventually reach the bottom, and I find the little man that resides there.  Call him what you will: gnome, hobbit, dwarf.  He points me in the direction of my journey.

I find the 10,000 hours concept very exciting.  I love a huge goal that may take years to accomplish.  Oddly enough, I am finding it easy to define tasks and areas of study for this 10,000 hours.  Which is surprising since "aspiring to be a good writer," is such a vague concept.  I have never been one to shy away from volumes of work.  My list of books to read grows longer and longer every day.  I am beginning to realized that between work, family obligations, exercise, and writing, I may need to give up TV. 

This is a challenging dilemma.  TV or no TV?  That is the question.  Some people prance about bragging that they don't have cable, but they spend hours on the computer!  Netflix does count as watching TV, whether its on your big screen or laptop.  If not giving up TV, where can I steal the 10,000 hours from?  This is a 20 hour a week committment for 10 years!  But I'm going to have to make an exception for Mad Men, because its just so good! 

I'm going to log my writing hours, reading hours, and audiobook hours on this blog.  I am also going to count "blogging time." 

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