Inspired by the assertion in the book "Outliers," that 10,000 hours are required to "master" a skill, I seek to become a "master" in writing. I plan on documenting my 10,000 hour journey of reading and writing.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Still trucking along

I try to soak up inspiration like a sponge.  I believe wisdom can come at you from any direction.  If you keep your head down and wear earplugs, you will miss it.  I try to keep my eyes wide, but sometimes I miss the messages too.  If an opportunity comes, I want to be open to saying "yes."

I applied for the Stanford Certificate in Writing (Novel) this week.  Whether I will be accepted or not is not the most important thing.  I believe strongly in throwing out to the universe my intentions.  If I don't say anything, who will listen? 

I have been contemplating attending a writer's workshop this summer.  Ideas I have contemplated include Squaw Valley Writer's Workshop, Mendocino Coast Writer's Workshop, Thrillerfest, Napa Valley Writer's Conference, and the Iowa Writer's workshop.  If I could only attend them all!  Alas, practicality intervenes.  I am definitely applying to Squaw Valley and crossing my fingers that I will be accepted.  I change my mind about attending one more on a daily basis.  Stay tuned!

This week, I will be working on rewriting a poem I wrote on Valentine's Day.  I don't usually like to write poetry, as my inner critic cannot be held back on this particular genre!  I visualize my inner critic as a man.  Hmm.  What would Freud say about that?  This man can be gagged on occasion.  He tends to be quiet during writing workshops (I have no idea why).  But he is not a fan of my few and feeble attempts at poetry.  He did like my Valentine's poem, perhaps because it was written to a man!  I also plan on submitting the finished poem to a poetry contest.  Again, if I don't speak, who will listen?

Yesterday I listened to an audiobook again for another hour.  Sue Grafton E is for Evidence.  I rarely read a book or watch a movie twice.  I just don't have the time to repeat things!  But, I am relistening to all the Sue Grafton novels on audiobook.  I am finding they are as delightful as ever.  In fact, I remember very few details of her early works so it is like listening to a new story. 

An additional 1 hour of work.  9,991 hours to go!

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